Six Benefits Of Oxygen Inhalation



Oxygen is the most important life element in nature and the basis of the life process. The body needs a

 continuous supply of oxygen at all times. Any lack of oxygen caused by any reason will affect the life

 process. Oxygen inhalation helps maintain health. As a manufacturer with 20 years of experience in R&D

 and production of oxygen concentrators, we will give you six benefits of oxygen inhalation:

1. Oxygen inhalation helps relieve hypoxia symptoms in respiratory diseases

Any disease of the respiratory system will lead to hypoventilation or exchange disorders of the lungs, such

 as bronchitis, asthma, snoring, etc. The result is that the oxygen entering the body is reduced and hypoxia. 

Oxygen inhalation increases the amount of oxygen inhaled into the body. It can make up for this hypoxia

 to a certain extent, and reduces the incidence of various hypoxic diseases caused by lung diseases. 

2. Oxygen inhalation helps prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Many diseases are related to ischemia and hypoxia, such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, 

cerebral insufficiency, cerebral infarction, etc. Long-term chronic hypoxia is one of the causes of the disease. 

Reduce the incidence of hypoxic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. As long as you choose suitable 

oxygen inhalation products and scientific oxygen inhalation methods, it will not cause obvious side effects 

to the human body.

3. Oxygen inhalation helps relieve the symptoms of high altitude hypoxia

For the vast number of cadres, masses and military officers and soldiers who work all the year round or

 stay in my country's Qinghai, Tibet, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other plateau areas, they all face a

 problem of plateau hypoxia. People living in plateau areas are more susceptible to hypoxic diseases.

 Oxygen inhalation is undoubtedly the best health protection measure.

4. Oxygen inhalation helps improve sleep

About 1/3 of a person's life is spent in sleep. If they do not get enough sleep, it will inevitably increase the 

oxygen consumption of the brain and cause relative hypoxia. Oxygen inhalation can give you a sweet night.

5. Oxygen helps relieve fatigue

Oxygen inhalation can promote metabolism, facilitate the digestion and absorption of food, and convert

 them into the energy (ATP) needed by the human body in time, so that we can maintain sufficient physical 

strength or energy.

6. Oxygen inhalation contributes to the recovery of sub-health and improves work efficiency Mental work 

determines that more oxygen is needed than ordinary work. If things go on like this, the body will be in

 a relatively hypoxic state, and you will often feel dizzy, irritable, sleepy, and memory loss. Oxygen inhalation 

will make your thinking more agile and your brain It is more responsive and helps to improve your work efficiency.


oxygen concentrator

As expert on COPD, AE-5 Oxygen Concentrator uses PSA gas separation technology and France imported 

CECA molecular sieve. It is very popular with the white collar, the pregnant, the students, the elder and

 the patients. You may find our oxygen concentrators in hospital, clinics, nursing home, beauty salon and

 other places. 

Model: AE-5

Flow Rate: 0~5L/M

Oxygen Concentration: 93± 3%  

Sound Level: ≤ 36dBA   

Net weight: 21.5kg

Dimensions: 372*340*612mm

mini oxygen producer machine

If you are interested in AERTI medical 5L oxygen concentrator, pls contact us at any time.

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