Nebulizer Treatment Introduction -1


nebulizer Treatment

Nebulizer treatment means that drugs or potions are dispersed into mist or particles through an inhalation device, and are inhaled into the human respiratory tract and/or lungs through natural breathing through the mouth and nose, thereby preventing and controlling respiratory tract infections, improving ventilation function, and relieving symptoms. The purpose of bronchial spasm, dilution of sputum and promotion of expectoration.

Advantages of Nebulizer Treatment

1. Direct access to the lesion allows the drug to directly reach the trachea or lungs with good efficacy.

2. Small dosage of medication. Atomized treatment requires a smaller dose than systemic medication.

3. Rapid onset of action. The drug takes effect faster than oral drugs.

4. Low side effects Compared with systemic drug treatment, side effects are very small

5. Less pain. Compared with injection and oral administration, it is less painful and easier to cooperate with. Therefore, aerosol inhalation is often used to treat respiratory diseases in children.

Suitable Groups For Nebulizer Treatment 

-Those with thick phlegm that is difficult to discharge

Humidify the respiratory tract and thin sputum 

-bronchial asthma patients

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients 

-Pharyngitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis

Bronchiectasis and lung abscess 

-Reduce bronchial mucosal edema

Dilute phlegm and help expel phlegm

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