Oxygen Concentrator Available for Oxygen Therapy in Animals


Vet Oxygen Concentrator Available for Oxygen Therapy in Animals


Oxygen therapy is often used when a pet is brought in and is having breathing difficulties. Using compressed 

oxygen stored in a portable tank, an increased amount of oxygen is delivered, allowing the animal to be stabilized 

for tests, surgery, or healing. And oxygen concentrator is often used for this oxygen therapy.


Benefits of Oxygen Therapy for Animals:


Oxygen therapy can be lifesaving for pets and is an essential treatment in many situations. But in the long 

term, oxygen toxicity can occur if an animal is exposed to high concentrations of oxygen for several days. 

This is why most animals who receive oxygen therapy only do so for a few hours, by which time medications 

have started to work and the main issue has been addressed. As a short-term treatment, oxygen therapy is 

beneficial to pets in the following ways:


To stabilize them, so that a workup or surgery can be done. These processes help to identify and treat the 

underlying cause of the animal’s respiratory distress, so the animal can be treated properly.


Faster healing. Oxygen therapy helps stimulate new blood cells and prompts the bloodstream to utilize

 more oxygen.


Calming effects. Most animals feel calm and relaxed while undergoing oxygen therapy. Some even take naps 

throughout their treatment.


Reduced swelling for postoperative, crush injuries, snake bite, burns, etc.


Post-surgery recovery, especially for pets who have had serious trauma or large wounds.


Treatment for smoke inhalation and carbon monoxide toxicity after exposure to these elements.


For many people, their pets are everything. They live their life side by side with them and treat them like a family 

member. So, being able to provide a sick pet with essential oxygen therapy can be helpful — and much appreciated 

— in the long run. Not only does it help the pet stabilize faster while decisions are made, but it can help them 

recover much more quickly. For a vet, having access to this type of oxygen therapy can save a pet’s life. And 

while oxygen therapy is a relatively new form of care for animal patients, it is an important therapy for vets to consider.

Quiet 5L Vet Oxygen Concentrator

Model: AE-5

Oxygen Concentration: 93± 3%  

Sound level: 36dB

Net weight: 21.5kg

Dimensions: 370*340*610mm

oxygen concentrator


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